Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Níehsta Capitol

1 Syððan wæs geworden þæt he ferde þurh þa ceastre and þæt castel: godes rice prediciende and bodiende. and hi twelfe mid

2 And sume wif þe wæron gehælede of awyrgdum gastum: and untrumnessum: seo magdalenisce maria ofþære seofan deoflu uteodon:

3 and iohanna chuzan wif herodes gerefan: and susanna and manega oðre þe him of hyra spedum þenedon;

4 Soþlice þa mycel menegeo com and of þam ceastrum to him efstun. he sæde him an bigspel;

5 Sum man his sæd seow. þa he þæt seow sum feoll wið þæne weg and wearð fortreden: and heofones fugulas hyt fræton;

6 And sum feoll of er þæne stan and hit forscranc forþam þe hit wætan næfde;

7 and sum feoll on þa þornas. and þa þornas hyt forþrysmodon;

8 And sum feoll on gode eorðan: and worhte hundfealde wæsm; þa clypode he. and cwæð; Gehyre se ðe earan hæbbe;

9 þa ahsodon hine hys leorningcnihtas hwæt þæt bigspel wære;

10 þa cwæð he eow is geseald þæt ge witun godes rices geryne: and oðrum on bigspellum; þæt hi geseonde ne geseon. and gehyrende ne ongyton;

11 Soðlice þis is þæt bigspell. þæt sæd ys godes word;

12 þa ðe synt wið þæne weg. þæt synt þa þe gehyrað: syððan se deofol cymþ. and ætbryt þæt word of hyra heortan þæt hig þurh þone geleafan hale ne gewurðað;

13 þa ðe synt of er þæne stan þa þæt word mid gefean onfoð. and þa nabbað wyrtruman forþam þe hi hwilum gelyfað: and awaciað on þære costnunge timan;

14 þæt sæd þe feoll on þa ðornas þæt synt þa ðe gehyrað: and of carum and of welum and of lustum þiss lifes synt forþrysmede. and nanne wæstm ne bringað;

15 þæt feoll on ða godan eorðan: þæt synt þa ðe on godre and on selestre heortan gehyrende þæt word healdað and wæstm on geþylde bringað;

16 Ne of erwrihð nan man mid fæte his onælede leohtfæt. oððe under bedd asett: ac of er candelstæf asett. þæt ða ingangendan leoht geseon;

17 Soðlice nis nan ðing digle þæt ne sy geswutelod: ne behydd. þæt ne sy cuþ. and open;

18 Warniað hu ge gehyran: þam byð geseald ðe hæfð: and swa hwylc swa næfð þæt he wene þæt he hæbbe. him byð afyrred;

19 His modor and his gebroðru: him to comun and hi ne mihton hine for þære menegu geneosian;

20 þa wæs him gecyðed. þin modor and þine gebroðru standað her ute. wyllað þe geseon;

21 þa cwæð he to him: min modor and mine gebroðru synt þa ðe gehyrað and doð godes word;

22 Soðlice anum dæge wæs geworden þa he on scyp eode and his leorningcnihtas: þa cwæþ he to him; Utun seglian of er þisne mere. and hig seglydan þa;

23 þa hig reowun. þa slep he; þa com windi yst and hig forhtodon;

24 þa genealæhton hig him to and cwædon. hlaford. we forwurðað; þa aras he and ðreade þæne wind and þæs wæteres hreohnesse; þa geswac se wind and wearð mycel smyltnes;

25 þa cwæþ se hælend hwar is eower geleafa. þa adredon hig and wundredon and betwux him cwædon; Wenst þu hwæt is þes. þæt he bebyt ge windum ge sa . and hig him hyrsumiað;

26 þa reowon hig to gerasenorum rice. þæt is foran ongen galileam;

27 þa he to lande com. him agen arn sum man. se hæfde deofolseocnesse lange tide. and næs mid nanon reafe gescrydd: and ne mihte on huse gewunian ac on byrgenum;

28 þa he geseah þæne hælend he astrehte hyne toforan him: and cwæþ mycelre stefne hrymende; Hwæt is me and þe: la hælend þæs hehstan godes sunu; Ic halsige þe þæt ðu ne ðreage me;

29 (þa bead he þam unclænan gaste þæt he of ðam men ferde; Soþlice lange tide he hyne gegrap: and he wæs mid racenteagum gebunden and mid fotcopsum gehealden: and toborstenum bendum he wæs fram deofle on westen gelædd; )

30 þa ahsode se hælend hine: hwæt is þin nama; þa cwæð he legio: þæt is on ure geþeode eored: forþam þe manega deoflu on hine eodun;

31 þa bædon hig hine þæt he him ne bude þæt hi on grund ne bescuton;

32 And þar wæs mycel heord swyna on þam munte læsiendra: þa bædon hy þæt he lyfde him on þa gan: þa lyfde he him:

33 þa eodon hig of þam men on þa swyn. þa ferde seo heord myculum ræse on ðæne mere and wearð þar adruncen;

34 þa ða hyrdas þæt gesawon þa flugon hig and cyddon on þa ceastre and on tunum;

35 þa eodon hig ut þæt hig gesawon þæt ðar geworden wæs: þa comon hig to þam hælende. þa fundon hig ðæne man þe deofol of eode gescryddne and halum mode æt his fotum. and hig adredon him;

36 þa cyddon him þa ðe gesawon hu he wæs hal geworden of ðam eorede;

37 þa bæd hine eall menego þæs rices gerasenorum þæt he fram him gewite: forþam hig mycelum ege gehæfte wærun; þa wende he on scype agen

38 þa bæd hyne se man ðe se deofol of eode þæt he mid him wunede; þa forlet se hælend hyne and cwæð to him:

39 wend to þinum huse and cyð hu mycel þe god gedon hæfð; þa ferde he into eall þa ceastre. and cydde hu mycel se hælend him gedon hæfde;

40 Soðlice wæs geworden þa se hælend agen com. seo menegeo hine onfeng: ealle hig gebidon his;

41 And þa com an man þæs nama wæs iairus: se wæs þære gesamnunge ealdor; þa feoll he to þæs hælendes fotun and bad hyne þæt he ferde to hys huse:

42 forþam he hæfde ane dohtor: nean twelf wintre and seo forðferde; þa gebyrede hyt þa he ferde of ðam menegum he wæs ofþrungen;

43 þa wæs sum wif on blodryne twelf ger: Seo fordælde on læcas eall þæt heo ahte: and ne mihte þeah of ænegum beon gehælyd;

44 þa genealæhte heo wiðæftan and æþran hys reafes fnæd; þa ætstod sona þæs blodes ryne;

45 þa cwæð se hælend. hwæt is se ðe me æþran; þa hig ealle ætsocon. þa cwæð petrus and þa ðe mid him wæron; Eala hlaford. þas menegeo þe ðringað and geswencað. and þu segst hwa æþran me;

46 þa cwæþ he sum me æþran. ic wiste. þæt mægen of me eode;

47 þa þæt wif geseah þæt hit him næs dyrne: heo com forht and astrehte hig to his fotum and geswutulude beforan eallum folce: for hwylcum þinge heo hit æþran. and hu heo wearð sona hal;

48 þa cwæð he to hyre; Dohtor þin geleafa þe hale gedyde: ga nu on sybbe;

49 Him þa gyt specendum: þa com sum man to þære gesamnunge ealdre and cwæð to him: ne drece þu hyne;

50 þa se hælend þæt word gehyrde he andswarude þæs mædenes fæder; Ne ondræd þu ðe: gelyf witodlice: and heo bið hal;

51 And þa ðe he to þam huse com: ne let he nanne mid him ingan buton petrum and Iohannem and iacobum. and þæs mædenes fæder. and hyre modor;

52 þa weopon hig ealle and heofodon hi; þa cwæð he: ne wepe ge; Soþlice nis þis mæden dead. ac heo slæpð;

53 þa tældon hig hyne and wiston þæt heo dead wæs;

54 þa nam he hyre hand and cwæð; Mæden. þe ic secge aris;

55 þa gehwea'r'f hyre gast agen and heo sona aras. and he het hyre syllan etan;

56 þa wundredon hyre magas þa bead he þam þæt hi hit nanum men ne sædon þæt þar gedon wæs;