Þæt Luces Godspell:Capitol 9

Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Níehsta Capitol

1 þa clypode he togædere his twelf apostolas. and sealde him mihte: and anweald ofer ealle deofolseocnessa; and þæt adla hi gehældon:

2 and he sende hig to bodianne godes rice. and untrume gehælan;

3 þa cwæþ he to him. ne nyme ge nan þing on wege. Ne gyrde. ne codd: ne hlaf. ne feoh. ne ge nabbon. twa tunecan:

4 and on swa hwylc hus swa ge ingað wuniað þar oð ge utgan:

5 'and' swa hwylce swa eow ne onfoð: þonne ge of þære ceastre gað asceacað eower fota dust of er hig on witnesse;

6 þa ferdon hig þurh þa burhga bodiende and æghwar hælende;

7 þa gehyrde herodes se feorðan dæles rica ealle þa ðing þe be him wærun gewordene; þa twynude him forþam þe sume sædon þæt iohannes of deaðe aras:

8 sume sædon þæt helias ætywde: Sume þæt an eald witega aras;

9 þa cwæþ herodes. Iohannem ic beheafdude hwæt is þes: be þam ic þilc gehyre; þa smeade he þæt he hine gesawe;

10 þa cyddun him ða apostolas swa hwæt swa hig dydon; þa nam he hig and ferde onsundron on weste stowe seo is beþsaida;

11 þa ða menego þæt wiston þa filidon hig him: þa onfeng he hig and spæc to him be godes rice: and þa he gehælde þe lacnunga beþorftun;

12 þa gewat se dæg forð: and hig twelfe him genealæhton and sædon him; Læt þas menego þæt hig farun on þas castelu | and on þas tunas þe her abutan synt; and him mete findon: forþam þe we synt her on westere stowe;

13 þa cwæð he to him. Sylle ge him etan; þa cwædon hig we nabbað buton fif hlafas and twegen fixas: buton we gan and us mete bicgon and eallum þissum werede;

14 þar wæron neah fif þusenda wera; þa cwæð he to his leorningcnihtun; Doþ þæt hig sitton. þurh gebeorscypas fiftegum.

15 and hig swa dydon and hi ealle sæton;

16 þa nam he þa fif hlafas and þa twegen fixas: and on þone heofon beseah and bletsude hig and bræc. and dælde his leorningcnihtum: þæt hig asetton hig beforan þam menegum;

17 þa æton hig ealle and wurdon gefyllede. and man nam þa gebrotu þe þar belifon twelf cypan fulle;

18 þa wæs geworden þa se hælend wæs ana hine gebiddende. hys leorningcnihtas wæron mid him; þa ahsode he hig hwæt secgð þis folc þæt ic sy;

19 þa andswarudon hig and cwædon; Iohannes baptistam: sume heliam: sume þæt sum witega of ðam ealdum aras;

20 þa sæde he him hwæt secge ge þæt ic sy; þa andswarude petrus. ðu eart crist godes sunu;

21 þa þreade he hig and bead þæt hig hit nanum men ne sædon.

22 forþam þe hit gebyreð þæt mannes sunu fela þinga þolige. and beo aworpen fram ealdrum and ealdormannum: and fram bocerum. and beon ofslegen. þriddan dæge arisan;

23 þa cwæð he to eallum; Gyfhwa wyle æfter me cuman: ætsace hine sylfne and nime his cwylminge and me folgige;

24 Se þe wyle hys sawle hale gedon: se hig forspilþ: witodlice se ðe his sawle for me forspilð he hi gehæleð;

25 Hwæt fremað ænegum men þeah he ealne middaneard on æht begite: and hyne sylfne forspille; And his forwyrd wyrce;

26 Se ðe me and mine spæca forsyhþ. þæne mannes sunu forsyhð. þonne he cymð on his mægenþrymme: and hys fæder and halegra engla;

27 Ic secge eow soðlice: her synt sume standende þa deade ne wurðaþ: ær hig godes rice geseon;

28 þa wæs geworden æfter þam wordum nean eahta dagas: þæt he nam petrum and Iohannem. and Iacobum. and eode on anne munt: þæt he hyne gebæde;

29 þa he hine gebæd þa wæs hys ansyn oþres hiwes. and his reaf hwit scinende;

30 þa spæcon twegen weras wið hyne moyses and helias

31 gesewene on mægenþrymme: and sædon his gewitendnesse þe he to gefyllende wæs on hierusalem;

32 Petrus and þa þe mid him wæron wurdon mid slæpe gehefegude; And þa hi onwæcnedun hi gesawun his mægenþrym: and twegen weras þe mid him stodun;

33 And hi him fram eodun: petrus cwæð to him; Eala bebeodend: god is þæt we her beon and uton wyrcan þreo eardungstowa: ane þe: and ane moyse. and ane h,elie. and he nyste hwæt he cwæð;

34 þa he þis spæc. ða wearð genip and ofersceadude hig. and hi ondredon him gangende on þæt genip;

35 þa com stefn of þam genipe and cwæð; þes ys min leofa sunu. gehyrað hyne;

36 þa seo stefn wæs gehyred þa wæs se hælend gemett ana: and hi suwodun and ne sædun nanum men on þam dagum nan þing þæs ðe hi gesawun;

37 Oðrum dæge him of þam munte farendum him agen arn mycel menego.

38 þa clypode an wer of þære menego and cwæð; Lareow ic halsie þe: geseoh minne sunu forþam he is min anlica sunu:

39 and nu se unclæna gast hine æþrinð: and he færlice hrymð. and fornimð hyne and fæmð: and hyne tyrð and slit:

40 and ic bæd þine leorningcnihtas þæt hig hine ut adrifon and hig ne mihton;

41 þa cwæð se hælend him to andsware; Eala ungeleafulle. and þwure cneores; Swa lange swa ic beo mid eow. and eow þolie; Læd hider þinne sunu;

42 And þa he hyne lædde him to: se deofol hine fornam and fordyde; þa nydde se hælend þone unclænan gast ut: and gehælde. þæne cnapan and agef hine his fæder;

43 þa wundredon hig ealle be godes mærðe: and eallum wundriendum be þam þingum þe gewurdun: he cwæð to his leorningcnihtum

44 Asettað þas spæca on eowrum heortum. hit ys towerd þæt mannes sunu si geseald on manna handa;

45 þa þohton hig þis word and hit wæs bewrigen beforan him þæt hi hit ne ongeton: and hi ne dorston hine be þam worde ahsian;

46 Soðlice þæt geþanc eode on hig hwylc hyra yldest wære;

47 þa se hælend geseh hyra heortan geþancas he gesette þæne cnapan wiþ hine

48 and cwæþ to him; Se ðe þysne cnapan on minum naman onfehð: se me onfehð; And se þe me onfehð he onfehð þæne þe me sende; Witudlice se ðe is læst betwex eow ealle: se is mara;

49 þa andswarode iohannes. bebeodend. we gesawon sumne on þinum naman deofolseocnessa ut drifende and we hine forbudon: forþam he mid us ne fylygð;

50 þa cwæð he. ne forbeode ge; Se ðe nis ongen eow se is for eow;

51 Soðlice wæs geworden þa his andfenga dagas wæron gefyllede: he getrymede hys ansyne þæt he ferde to hierusalem;

52 þa sende he bodan beforan his ansyne: þa eodon hig on þa ceastre samaritanorum þæt hi him gegearwodon:

53 and hig ne onfengon hine forþam þe he wolde faran to hierusalem;

54 þa his leorningcnihtas þæt gesawon. iacobus. and Iohannes. þa cwædon hig; Drihten. wyltu we secgað þæt fyr cume of heofone and fornime hig;

55 And hine bewende he hig þreade:

56 and hig ferdon on oþer castel;

57 þa hi ferdon on wege. sum him to cwæð; Ic fylige þe swa hwyder swa þu færst;

58 þa cwæþ se hælend: foxas habbað holu and heofones fuglas nestþ; Soðlice mannes sunu næfþ hwar he hys heafod ahylde;

59 þa cwæþ he to oðrum filig me; þa cwæþ he drihten alyf me æryst bebyrigean minne fæder;

60 þa cwæþ se hælend. læt þa dead byrigan hyra deadan: ga ðu and boda godes rice;

61 þa cwæð oðer ic fylige þe drihten: ac læt me æryst hit cyþan þam ðe æt ham synt;

62 þa cwæþ se hælend him to: nan mann þe hys hand asett on hys sulh: and onbæc besyhð nys andfenge godes rice;