Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Níehsta Capitol

1 Soþlice wæs geworden on þam æfteran restedæge: æryst þa he ferde þurh þa æceras hys leorningcnihtas þa ear pluccedon and mid hyra handum gnidon and æton;

2 þa cwædon sume ofþan sundorhalgan. hwi do ge þæt eow alyfed nis on restedagon;

3 þa andswarode him se hælend ne rædde ge þæt. hwæt dauid dyde þa hine hingrede. and þa ðe mid him wæron.

4 hu he eode into godes huse: and nam þa offrunghlafas and hig æt. and þam sealde þe mid him wærun. þa nærun alyfede to etanne buton sacerdon anum;

5 And he sæde him þæt drihten is mannes sunu. eac swylce restedæges;

6 Soðlice on oðrum restedæge wæs geworden þæt he on gesamnunge eode and lærde. and þar wæs sum man and his swyðre hand wæs forscruncen;

7 þa gymdon þa boceras and farisei hwæþer he on restedæge hælde. þæt hi hyne gewregdon. Soþlice he wiste hyra geþancas:

8 and he sæde þam men þe ða forscruncenan hand hæfde. aris and stand her amiddan; þa aras he and stod;

9 þa cwæþ se hælend | to him; Ic ahsige eow alyfð on restedagum wel don. oððe yfele. sawle hale gedon. hwæþer þe forspillan;

10 And him eallum gesceawodum myd yrre he sæde þam men; Aþene þine hand: and he aþenode and his hand wæs geedniwod;

11 þa wurdon hig mid unwisdome gefyllede and spæcon betux him hwæt hig þam hælende dydon;

12 Soþlice on þam dagum he ferde on anne munt hine gebiddan. and wæs þar waciende on godes gebede;

13 And þa ða dæg wæs he clypode hys leorningcnihtas and geceas twelf of him. and þa he nemde apostolas;

14 Simonem (þæne he nemde petrus) and his broðor andreas. Iacobum and Iohannem. filippum. and barþolomeum.

15 and þomam. and Maþeum. and Iacobum. Alfei. and simonem. se is genemned zelotes.

16 Iudam. Iacobi. and iudam scarioð se wæs læwa;

17 And mid him farendum he stod on feldlicre stowe: and mycel wered his leorningcnihta: and mycel menegeo fram ealra iudea and fram ierusalem: and ofer muþan and sæ gemæro tiri and sidonis.

18 ða coman þæt hi hyne gehyrdon. and wæron of hyra adlum gehælede. and þa ðe wæron of unclænum gastum gedrehte wærun gehælede;

19 And eal seo menigeo sohte hine to æþrinenne. forþam þe mægen of him eode and he ealle gehælde;

20 þa cwæþ se hælend beseonde to his leorningcnihtum; Eadige synd ge þearfan on gaste forþam þe godes rice is eower;

21 Eadige synd ge ðe hingriað nu. forþam ge beoð gefyllede; Eadige synt ge ðe nu wepað. forþam ge hlihaþ;

22 Eadige beo ge. þone eow men hatiað and ehtað. and onhiscað: and awurpað eowerne naman swa swa yfel for mannes suna;

23 Geblissiað and gefagniað on þam dagum. nu eower med is mycel on heofenum; Soðlice æfter þissum þingum hyra fæderas dydon þam witegum;

24 þeah hwæðere wa eow witegum. forþam þe ge eowerne frofor habbað;

25 Wa eow þe gefyllede synt: forþam þe ge hingriað; Wa eow þe nu hlihað. forþam þe ge heofað and wepað;

26 Wa eow þonne eow ealle men bletsiað. æfter þissum þingum hyra fæderas dydon þam witegum;

27 Ac ic eow sege forþam þe ge gehyraþ: lufiað eowre fynd doþ þam tala þe eow hatedon;

28 Bletsiað þa oe eow wiriao: gebiddaþ for þa þe eow onhisceað;

29 And þam þe slihþ on þin gewenge wend oðer agen. and þam þe ðin reaf nymþ: ne forbeod him no þine tunecan;

30 Syle ælcum þe ðe bidde. and se ðe nimð þa ðing þe ðine synt ne mynega þu hyra;

31 And swa ge wyllað þæt eow men don doþ him gelice;

32 and hwylc þanc is eow gif ge lufiað þa þe eow lufiað; Soðlice synfulle lufiað þa þe hi lufiað;

33 And gyf ge wel doð. þam ðe eow wel doð: hwylc þanc is eow. witodlice þæt doo synfulle

34 and gyf ge lænaþ þam þe ge eft æt onfoð. hwylc þanc is eow: Soþlice synfulle synfullum lænað. þæt hi gelice onfon.

35 þeah hwæðere lufiað eowre fynd and him wel doð. and læne syllað nan þing þanun eft gehihtende. and eower med byþ mycel on heofone; and ge beoþ þæs hehstan bearn. forþam þe he is god ofer unþancfulle and ofer yfele;

36 Heornostlice beoþ mildheorte swa eower fæder is mildheort;

37 Nelle ge deman. and ge ne beoð demede; Nelle ge genyðerian. and ge ne beoð genyþerude; Forgyfaþ. and eow byð forgyfen;

38 Syllað and eow byþ geseald god gemet and full: and geheapod and oferflowende hig syllaþ on eowerne bearm; þam sylfan gemete þe ge metað. eow byð gemeten;

39 þa sæde he him sum bigspell; Segst þu. mæg se blinda þæne blindan lædan. hu ne feallaþ hig begen on þæne pytt;

40 Nis se leorningcniht ofer þone lareow; Ælc byð fulfremed. gif he is swylce hys lareow;

41 Hwi gesihst þu þa egle on þines broþor eagan: and ne gesihst þæne beam on þinum eagan;

42 And hu miht þu segan þinum breþer broþor læt þæt ic ateo þa egle of þinum eage: and þu sylf ne gesyhst þæne beam on þinum agenum eagan; Eala licetere. teoh æryst þone beam of þinum eage: and þonne þu gesihst þæt ðu ateo þa egle of þines broðor eage;

43 Nys god treow þe yfelne wæsm deð: ne nis yfel treow. godne wæstm donde;

44 Ælc treow is be his wæstme oncnawen; Ne hig of þornum ficæppla ne gaderiað: ne winberian on gorste ne nimað;

45 God man of godum goldhorde: hys heortan. god forð bringð: and yfel man of yfelum goldhorde yfel forð bringþ; Soðlice se muð spycð swa seo heorte þencð.

46 hwi clypie ge me drihten drihten. and ne doð þæt ic eow secge;

47 Ælc þara þe to me cymþ and mine spræca gehyrð and þa deþ: ic him ætywe hwam he gelic is;

48 He ys gelic timbriendum men his hus: se dealf deopne and hys grundweall ofer þæne stan asette; Soðlice gewordenum flode hit fleow into þam huse. and hyt ne mihte þæt hus astirian. hit wæs of er þæne stan getrymed

49 Se ðe gehyrð and ne deþ: he is gelic þam timbriendan men his hus of er þa eorþan butan grundwealle. and þæt flod in fleow. and hrædlice hyt afeoll and wearð mycel hryre þæs huses;