Þæt Luces Godspell:Capitol 5

Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Níehsta Capitol

1 Soþlice wæs geworden þa ða menegu him to comon þæt hig godes word gehyrdon. he stod wið þone mere genesareþ.

2 and he geseah twa scipu standende wið þæne mere; þa fisceras eodun and wohson heora nett;

3 He þa astigende on an scyp: þæt wæs simones. bæd hyne þæt he hit lyþwon fram lande tuge: and on þam scipe sittende he lærde þa menegu;

4 þa he sprecan geswac he cwæþ to simone; Teoh hit on dypan and lætað eowre nett on þone fiscwer;

5 þa cwæþ simon him andswariende; Eala bebeodend ealle niht swincende we naht ne gefengon; Soðlice on þinum worde ic min nett ut læte;

6 and þa hi þæt dydon hig betugon mycele menigeo fixa: and hyra net wæs tobrocen.

7 and hig bicnodon hyra geferan. þe on oðrum scipe wæron. þæt hi comun and him fylston; þa comon hig and gefyldon butu þa scypu: swa þæt hi neh wæron besencte;

8 þa petrus þæt geseah he feoll to þæs hælendes cneowum and cwæð; Drihten. gewit fram me forþam ic eom synfull mann.

9 and he wundrude and ealle þa ðe mid him wæron on þam were þara fixa þe hi gefengon;

10 Gelice iacobum and iohannem zebedeis suna: þa wæron simones geferan; þa cwæþ se hælend to simone: ne ondræd þu þe; Heonon forð þu byst men gefonde;

11 and hig tugon hyra scypo to lande. and forleton hig and folgodon | þam hælende;

12 þa he wæs on anre ceastre þa wæs þær an hreofla and þa he geseah þæne hælend þa astrehte he hine and bæd and þus cwæð; Drihten. gyfþu wylt þu miht me geclænsian;

13 And he æþran hine his handa aþenede and cwæð; Ic wylle. si ðu geclænsud; And sona se hreofla him fram ferde

14 and he bebead him þæt he hit nanum men ne sæde. ac ga and ætyw þe þam sacerde. and bring for þinre clænsunga swa moyses bebead him on gewitnesse;

15 Witodlice þæs þe ma seo spræc be him ferde and mycele menegeo comun þæt hi gehyrdon and wurdon gehælede fram hyra untrumnessum;

16 He þa ferde on westen and hyne gebæd;

17 þa wæs anum dæge geworden þæt he sæt and hig lærde and þa wæron þa farisei sittende and þære. æ. lareow wæs: þa comon of ælcon castele galile,e and iudele. and hierusalem and drihtnes mægen wæs hig to gehælenne;

18 And þa bæron men on anum bedde anne man. se wæs lama.

19 and hig ne mihton hine in bringan and alecgan beforan him: for ðære menigo þe mid þam hælende wæs; þa astigon hig uppan þæne hrof and þurh þa watelas hine mid þam bedde asende beforan þæne hælend;

20 þa he geseah hyra geleafan he cwæð; La mann þe synd þine synna forgyfene;

21 þa agunnon þencan þa boceras and farisei and cwædon. hwæt is þes þe her sprycþ woffunga; Hwa mæg synna forgyfan buton god ana;

22 þa se hælend gecneow hyra geþancas. he andswariende cwæþ to him. hwæt þence ge on eowrum heortum.

23 hwæðer is eðre to cweþenne þe synd þine synna forgyfene: hwæþer þe cweþan aris and ga.

24 þæt ge witon þæt mannes sunu on eoroan anweald hæfð synna to forgyfanne; (And he sæde þam laman.) þe ic secge aris. nim þin bed: and ga on þin hus;

25 and he sona beforan him aras. and nam þæt he on læg and to his huse ferde and god wuldrode.

26 and hig ealle wundredon and god mærsodon and wæron mid ege gefyllede: and cwædon. soðes we todæg wundru gesawon;

27 þa æfter þam he uteode and geseah publicanum he wæs oþrum naman leui gehaten æt ceapsceamule sittende: and he cwæþ to him filig me;

28 And he him þa filigde and ealle hys þing forlet;

29 And leui dyde him mycelne gebeorscype on his huse: and þar wæs mycel menegeo manfulra and oðerra þe mid him sæton;

30 þa murcnodon þa farisei and þa boceras and cwædon to hys leorningcnihtum. hwi ete ge and drincað mid manfullum and synfullum;

31 þa andswarude se hælend and cwæþ to him; Ne beþurfon læces þa ðe hale synd: ac þa ðe unhælþe habbaþ;

32 Ne com ic rihtwise clypian: ac synfulle on dædbote;

33 þa cwædon hig to him. hwi fæstað iohannes leorningcnihtas gelomlice and halsunga doð: and eallswa farisea. and þine etað and drincað;

34 þa cwæð he cwyst þu magon þæs brydguman bearn fæstan swa lange swa se brydguma myd him ys;

35 Soþlice þa dagas cumaþ þonne se brydguma him byð afyrred. þonne fæstað hig on þam dagum;

36 þa sæde he him an bigspell. ne asend nan man scyp of niwum reafe on eald reaf. elles þæt niwe slit. and se niwa scyp ne hylpð þam ealdan;

37 Ne nan man ne sent niwe win on ealde bytta: elles þæt niwe win brycð þa bytta and þæt win byð agoten. and þa bytta forwurðað;

38 Ac niwe win is to sendenne on niwe bytta: þonne beoð þa bytta gehealdene;

39 And ne drincð nan man eald win and wylle sona þæt niwe: he cwyþ. þæt ealde is betere;