^ Cildrum Englisc ^ (ādihtan)
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Hwæt sind naman?

In grammaticcræfte, sind naman ǣlc þing in þisse worulde. Hīe sind menn, stedas, dēor, oþþe þing.

Word swā wer', wīf, cyning, and bearn sind lēode. Hīe secgaþ þæt se mann, þǣrymbe hīe sprecaþ. Cyning is wealdend in his cynedōme, wer is werlic mann (fæder, sunu, brōðor,...), wīf is wīflic mann (mōdor, sweostor, dohtor,...), and swā forþ (asf). Stedas sind gesægd mid wordum swā geard, strǣt, oþþe feld. Dēor sind þā nīeten þe þu in þǣm hūse hæfst: cætte, hund, hara, oþþe on feormehāmum , swīn. Þing sind eall ōðru þing in þǣre worulde: hūs, wægn, hwēol, asf.

Hū brȳcst þu naman in cwidum?

Ānfealdlīce! Man wrīteþ hīe tō sprecenne þǣrymbe:

Cyning is on his setle. Mīn fæder is in ūserum hūse. Þīn mōdor is þǣr.

Nū sēoþ wē þā word þe man brȳcþ mid namum: se, sēo, þæt, and þā.

Man brȳcþ þās word, tō secgenne, hū hē þæt word hwierfþ in cwidum. Hīe secgaþ ēac syndrigne mann, and ne secgaþ sumne mann (man sægþ þæt wiþūtan se).


  • Se mann; se mann hæfþ cǣgas.
  • Sēo mōdor; sēo mōdor siehþ hire cildru.
  • Þæt cild; þæt cild nimþ his fōdan.


  • Þæs cildes; hē hæfþ þæs cildes gamen.
  • Þǣre mōdor; þæt is se brōðor þǣre mōdor.


Tō secgenne hwǣm þu sum þing dēst, brȳcst þu þǣm oþþe þǣre mid ānum þinge, and þǣm mid þingum (nōta: ealle naman habbaþ -um hwonne þu clipast ymbe mā þonne ān þing oþþe ǣnne mann)

  • Þǣm brēðer; ic geaf þǣm brēðer þæt.
  • Þǣre mēder; ic giefe þǣre mēder þæt seax.
  • Þǣm werum; hē nōm hit þǣm werum.

Þu wrītst ēac þǣm hwonne þu sprict hwǣr þū eart, oþþe hwǣr sum belimp gelimpþ.

  • þǣm hūse;
    • ic eom in þǣm hūse. Hwǣr? In þǣm hūse.
    • wit sind in þǣm felda. Hwǣr? In þǣm felda.


Mid þǣm wordum þȳ, þon, and þǣre secgaþ wē þæt þing, mid þǣm þe wē sum þing dōþ.

  • Þȳ/þon hamore; ic slēa þȳ hamore þone nægl.
  • Þǣre hagorūne; sēo wicce wyrcþ þǣre hagorūne ongēan hīe.


  • Þone cyning; ic sēo þone cyning.
  • Þæt bearn; se fæder nimþ þæt bearn mid.
  • Þā cwēn; his fæder siehþ þā cwēn.