Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Nīehsta Capītol

Getæl, Getalu

Hwilc getæl wilt þu?


Rīmung oþ twēntig

  • ān, twēgen, þrīe, fēower, fīf, six, seofon, eahta, nigon, tīene, endleofon, twelf, þrēotīene, fēowertīene, fīftīene, sixtīene, seofontīene, eahtatīene, nigontīene, twēntig
Rīmung oþ twēntig
Rīm tācn
ān 1
twēgen 2
þrīe 3
fēower 4
fīf 5
six 6
seofon 7
eahta 8
nigon 9
tīene 10
endleofon 11
twelf 12
þrēotīene 13
fēowertīene 14
fīftīene 15
sixtīene 16
seofontīene 17
eahtatīene 18
nigontīene 19
twēntig 20

Rīmung be twǣm

  • twēgen, fēower, six, eahta, tīene, twelf, fēowertīene, sixtīene, eahtatīene, twēntig, twēgen and twēntig, fēower and twēntig, six and twēntig, eahta and twēntig, þrītig, asf.

Rīmung be tīenum

  • tīene, twēntig, þrītig, fēowertig, fīftig, sixtig, hundseofontig, hundeahtatig, hundnigontig, hund, hundendleofontig, hundtwelftig, hund and þrītig, hund and fēowertig, hund and fīftig, hund and sixtig, hund and seofontig, hund and eahtatig, hund and nigontig, tū hund, tū hund and tīene, asf., (þrēo hund, fēower hund, fīf hund, six hund, seofon hund, eahta hund, nigon hund, þūsend)