Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Níehsta Capitol

Innung and Forðunga

Þis is, æfter úserum bestan wísdóme, séo woruldforme openre innungre US Stǽr Trahtbóc. Þá brúcend teohhiaþ geefenlician and ámerian þás bóc oþ þǽr is nán betere tó néotenne. Þá bóceras tréowaþ þæt þis gelimpþ for þǽm þe se Wikipǽdia stede forþ cymþ.

Þéah sume ne céosen, sceolde séo wrítungwíse béon tó nemnenne géar in þisse handbéc "BC" and "AD," sél þonne "BCE" and "CE."


Eall innung hérin gehæfd sceall béon tó nimenne gelíefedlic under þǽre GNU Fréon Gewritléafan.