Hwý brýcþ opena trahtbéc?

Fréo swá in fréodóme

Þá trahtbéc on þissum stedum are all released under an open content license that means that they are free forever. No one can keep you from using these materials, modifying them or distributing them. Also, the license guarantees that any works that are derived from these materials will be similarly free to modify and distribute, forever.

Fréo swá in gielde

Geþencst þu sóþlíce tó áspendenne $100 oþþe má for trahtbéc gif þu canst underfón þæt ilce andgiet for fréo? Þás trahtas béoþ geágen by the community and the world.

Academia meets the real world

Our textbooks are started by people who are familiar with the subject. Content is continually augmented by Wikibookians. This is no lone professor seeking additional income, it is a community of people who are there to learn the material in the least painful way to get the grade and be prepared for the next step. That means textbooks that make sense.

Up-to-the-minute changes

You will never have to wait months or years for another edition to come out that incorporates the latest changes in the field. The very minute a discovery or advancement is made the text can be updated to reflect that change.

Built-in feedback

Every module in the textbooks has its own associated talk page where students can ask each other questions and help each other with the material.

Global access to educational materials

Learners from around the globe who have access to the Web can find quality educational information, regardless of financial status, local/regional educational restrictions, or proximity to an educational institution.

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