Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Níehsta Capitol

1 þa aras eall hyra menegeo and læddon hine to pilate

2 and agunnon hyne wregan and cwædon; þisne we gemetton forlhwyrfende ure þeode: and forbeodende þæt man þam casere gafol ne sealde. and segð þæt he si crist cyning;

3 þa ahsode pilatus hine eart þu iudea cining; þa andswarude he þu hit segst;

4 þa cwæð pilatus to þam ealdrum and þam werede ne finde ic nanne intingan on þysum men;

5 þa hlyddon hig and cwædon. he astyrað þis folc lærende þurh ealle iudeam agynnende of galilea oð hider;

6 þa pilatus gehyrde galileam. he ahsude hwæðer he wære galileisc man;

7 and þa he gecneow þæt he wæs of herodes anwalde: he hine agen sende to herode. he wæs on þam dagum on hierusalem;

8 Soðlice herodes fagnude þa he þæne hælend geseah. mycelre tide he wilnode hine geseon forþam ðe he gehyrde mycel be him; and he hopode þæt he gesawe sum tacen þe fram him gewurde;

9 þa ahsode he hine manegum wordum and he naht ne andswarude;

10 þa stodon þara sacerda ealdras hine anrædlice wregende:

11 þa oferhogode herodes hine mid hyrede: and bysmrode hine gescrydne hwitum reafe: and hyne agen sende to pilate;

12 And on þam dæge wurdun herodes and pilatus gefrynd: Soðlice hig wæron ær gefynd him betwynan;

13 þa cwæð pilatus to þara sacerda ealdrum and duguðe ealdrum and to þam folce.

14 ge brohton me þisne man swylce he þis folc forhwyrfde. and nu ic beforan eow ahsiende. ic nanne intingan findan ne mæg on þisum men ofþam þe ge hine wregað

15 ne furðun herodes; Ic hine sende agen to him and him naht þæslices deaðe gedon wæs.

16 ic hine gebetne forlæte;

17 (Niede he sceolde him li forgyfan-l anne to hyra freolsdæge.)

18 þa hrymde eall þæt folc ætgædere and cwæþ; Nim þisne and forgyf us barrabban

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20 Eft spæc pilatus to him and wolde forlætan þæne hælend;

21 þa hrymdon hig and cwædon ahoð hine ahoð hine;

22 þa cwæð he to him þriddan siðe. hwæt dyde þes yfeles. ne mette ic nan þing yfeles on þissum men þæt he si deaþes scyldig. ic hine þreage and forlæte;

23 And hig astodon and mycelre stefne bædon þæt he wære ahangen; and hyra stefna swiðredon:

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25 and he forgef him þæne þe wæs for manslyhte and sumere sace on cwerterne. þone hi bædon and þæne hælend he sealde to hyra willan;

26 And þa hig hine læddon hi gefengon sumne cyreniscne simonem. se com of þan tune and þa rode him on setton þæt he hi bære æfter þam hælende.

27 him fylide mycel wered folces and wifa þa hine heofun and weopun;

28 þa cwæþ se hælend bewend eala dohtra hierusalem: nelle ge ofer me wepan: ac wepað ofer eow sylfe. and ofer eower bearn.

29 forþam þa dagas cumað on þam hig cweþað. eadige synt þa untymyndan and innoþas þe ne cendun and þa breost þe ne sictun.

30 þonne agynnað hig cweðan to þam muntum feallað ofer us. and to beorgum oferwreoð us.

31 forþam gif hig on grenum treowe þas þing doð hwæt doð hig on þam drigean;

32 And mid him wæron gelædde twegen manfulle þæt hig wæron ofslegene;

33 And syððan hig comon on þa stowe þe is genemned caluarie þæt is heafodpannan stow. þar hig hine hengon and anne sceaþan on his swiðran healfe and oðerne on his wynstran;

34 þa cwæð se hælend: fæder. forgyf him forþam hig nyton hwæt hig doð; Soðlice hig dældon hys reaf and wurpun hlotu.

35 and þæt folc stod geanbidiende: and þa ealdras hine tældon mid him and cwædon; Oþre he gehælde gehæle hine sylfne gif he sig godes gecorena;

36 And þa cempan hine by s mredon and him eced brohton

37 and þus cwædon; Gif þu si iudea cining gedo þe halne;

38 þa wæs his of ergewrit of er hine awriten: greciscum stafum and ebreiscum. þis is iudea cining;

39 An of þam sceaþum þe mid him hangode hine gremede and cwæþ; Gif þu crist eart gehæl þe sylfne and unc;

40 þa andswarude se oþer and hine þreade and cwæþ; Ne þu god ne ondrætst þæt ðu eart on þære ylcan genyðerunge.

41 and wyt witodlice be uncer ærdædum onfoð; Soðlice þes naht yfeles ne dyde

42 and he cwæþ to þam hælende; þrihten. gemun þu me þonne þu cymst on þin rice;

43 þa cwæþ se hælend to him; Todæg þu bist mid me on paradiso;

44 þa wæs nean seo syxte tid. and þystro wæron ofer ealle eorþan oð þa nigoþan tide.

45 and sunne wæs aþystrod and þæs temples wahryft wearð toslyten onmiddan;

46 þa cwæð se hælend clypiende mycelre stefne; Fæder ic bebeode minne gast on þinre handa. and þus cweþende he forþferde;

47 þa se hundredman geseah þæt þar geworden wæs. he god wuldrode and cwæð; Soþlice þes man wæs rihtwis:

48 and eall wered þe æt þisse wæfersynne wæron and gesawon þa þing þe gewurdon. wæron agen gewende hyra breost beoton;

49 þa stodon ealle hys cuþan feorran: and þa wif þe him fyligdon fram galilea þas þing geseonde:

50 and þa an man on naman iosep: se wæs gerefa god wer and rihtwis:

51 (þes ne geþwærode hyra geþeahte and hyra dædum) fram arimaþia iudea ceastre se sylfa geanbidude godes rice.

52 þes genealæhte to pilate and bæd þæs hælendes lichaman

53 þa wif þe him fyligdon þe comon mid him of galilea hig gesawon þa byrgene. and hu his lichama aled wæs

54 And þa wæs se dæg parasceue þæt is gegearwunge: and sæterdæg onlyhte;

55 þa wif þe him fyligdon þe comon mid him of galilea hig gesawon þa byrgene. and hu his lichama aled wæs

56 and hig cyrdon. and gearwodun wyrtgemang and sealfa and on sæterndæg hig gestildon æfter bebode;