Innung | Forestapol Capitol | Níehsta Capitol

1 þa soðlice genealæhte freolsdæg azimorum se is gecweden eastre:

2 and þara sacerda ealdras and þa boceras smeadon hu hig hine forspildon; Soðlice hig adredon him þæt folc.

3 þa eode satanas on iudam se wæs oðre naman scarioþ. an of þam twelfum.

4 þa ferde he and spæc mid þara sacerda ealdormannum and duguðe ealdrum hu he hine him gesealde;

5 And hig fægenydun and him weddedon feoh to syllenne:

6 and he behet and he sohte hu he eaðelicust hine beæftan þære menego gesealde;

7 þa com se dæg azimorum on þam hi woldon hyra eastron gewyrcan

8 and he sende petrum. and iohannem and cwæð to him farað and gearwiað us þæt we ure eastron gewyrcon;

9 þa cwædon hig hwar wylt tu þæt we gearwion

10 and he cwæð to him; Nu þænne ge on þa ceastre gað eow agen yrnð an man mid wæterbuce. filigeað him on þæt hus þe he ingæð.

11 and secgeað þam hushlaforde; Ure lareow þe segð hwar ys cumena hus. þar ic mine eastron wyrce mid minon leorningcnihtum;

12 And he eow betæcð mycele healle gedæfte. gegearwiað þara;

13 þa ferdun hig and gemettun swa he him sæde: and hig gearwudun eastrun;

14 And þa tima wæs he sæt and his twelfe apostolas mid him

15 and he sæde him; Of gewilnunge ic gewilnude etan mid eow þas eastron ær ic forðfare;

16 Ic eow secge þæt ic heonon forð ne ete. ær hyt sy on godes rice gefylled;

17 And onfeng calice and þancas dyde and cwæð; Onfoð and dælað betwux eow:

18 Soðlice ic eow secge þæt ic ne drince of þises wingeardes cynne ær godes rice cume;

19 And he onfengc hlafe and þancude and him sealde. and cwæð; þis is min lichama. se is for eow geseald doð þis on min gemynd;

20 And swa eac þæne calic: syððan he geeten hæfde and cwæð; þes calic is niwe cyðnys on minum blode se bið for eow agoten;

21 þeah hwæðere her is þæs læwan hand mid me on mysan.

22 and witodlice mannes sunu gæð æ flter þam ðe him forestihtud wæs: þeah hwæðere wa þam men þe he þurh geseald bið;

23 And hi agunnon betwux him smeagan hwylc of him þæt to donne wære;

24 and hi flitun betwux him hwylc hyra wære yldest;

25 þa sæde he him cyningas wealdað hyra þeoda: and ða ðe anweald of er hig habbað synt fremfulle genemned:

26 ac ne beo ge na swa; Ac gewurðe he swa swa gingra se þe yldra ys betwux eow; And se þe forestæppend ys beo he swylce he þen Sy;

27 Hwæðer ys yldra þe se þe ðenað þe se ðe sitt: witudlice se ðe sitt; Ic eom on eowrum midlene swa swa se þe ðenað;

28 Ge synt þe mid me þurhwunedon on minum geswincum

29 and ic eow dihte swa min fæder me rice dihte.

30 þæt ge eton and drincon ofer mine mysan on minum rice and ge sitton of er þrymsetl demende twelf mægða israhel;

31 þa cwæð drihten: Simon simon. nu satanas gyrnde þæt he eow hridrude swa swa hwæte;

32 Ic gebæd for þe þæt ðin geleafa ne geteorige; And þu æt sumum cyrre gewend and tryme þine gebroðru;

33 þa cwæð he drihten. ic eom gearu to farenne mid þe: ge on cwertern ge on deað;

34 þa cwæþ he. ic secge þe petrus: ne cræwð se hana todæg ær þu me ætsæcst;

35 þa cwæð he to him þa ic eow sende butan seode and codde and gescy wæs eow ænig þing wana; þa cwædon hig nan þing;

36 þa cwæð he. ac nu se þe hæfð seod gelice nime codd: and se ðe næfð sylle his tunecan and bicge him swurd;

37 Soðlice ic eow secge þæt gyt scyl beon gefylled þæt be me awriten ys: and þæt he mid rihtwisum geteald wæs. witudlice þa þing þe be me synt habbað ende;

38 And hig cwædon. drihten: her synt twa swurd and he cwæð þæt ys genoh;

39 And æfter gewunan he uteode on þæne munt oliuarum þæt ys elebergena: and his leorningcnihtas him fyligdon;

40 And þa he com to þære stowe he sæde him: gebiddað þæt ge on costnunge ne gan;

41 And he wæs fram him alocen swa mycel swa is anes stanes wyrp: and gebigedum cneowum he hyne gebæd

42 and cwæð; Fæder gif þu wylt. afyr þysne calic fram me þeah hwæðere ne gewurðe min willa ac þin;

43 þa ætywde him godes engel. of heofone and hyne gestrangode and he wæs on gewinne and hine lange gebæd

44 and hys swat wæs swylce blodes dropan on eorðan yrnende.

45 and þa he of gebede aras and com to his leorningcnihtum he hig funde slæpende for unrotnesse:

46 and he sæde him: hwi slape ge. arisað and biddað ge on costunge ne gan;

47 Him þa þa gyt specendum þa com þæt wered and him toforan eode an of þam twelfum se wæs genemned iudas and he genealæhte þam hælende þæt he hine cyste;

48 þa cwæð se hælend iudas: mannes sunu þu mid cosse sylst;

49 þa gesawon þa ðe him abutan wæron þæt þær towerd wæs and cwædon. drihten: slea we mid swurde;

50 þa sloh hyra an þara sacerda ealdres þeow and hys swyðre eare of acerf;

51 þa andswarude se hælend lætað þus; and þa he æþran hys eare he hyt gehælde;

52 þa cwæð se hælend to þam ealdormannum and to þam witum and þæs temples ealdrum; Ge ferdon swa swa to anum sceaðan mid swurdum and mid sahlum þæt ge me gefengon;

53 þa ic wæs dæghwamlice on temple mid eow. ne aþenedon ge eower handa on me: ac þis is eower tid and þystra anweald;

54 þa namon hig hine and læddon to þæra sacerda ealdres huse: and petrus fyligde feorran;

55 And petrus wæs mid him onmiddan þam cafertune: þar hig æt þam fyre sæton;

56 þa hine geseah sum þinen æt leohte sittende and hine beheold. þa cwæð heo. and þes wæs mid him;

57 þa ætsoc he and cwæð. eala wif ne can ic hyne;

58 And þa embe lytel hine geseah oðer. and cwæð. þu eart of him; þa cwæð petrus eala mann ic ne eom;

59 and þa æfter lytlum fæce swylce anre tide. sum oðer seðde and cwæð; Soolice þes wæs mid him: witodlice he is galileisc;

60 þa cwæð petrus. eala man nat ic hwæt þu segst; And þa hig þæt spræcon samninga se hana creow:

61 þa drihten bewende hine and beseah to petre. þa gemunde petrus drihtnes wordes þe he cwæð: þæt ðu min ætsæcst. þriwa todæg ær se hana crawe;

62 þa eode petrus ut and biterlice weop:

63 and þa ðe þæne hælend heoldon hine bysmrodon and beoton:

64 and oferwrugon hys ansyne and þurhsun his nebb: and ahsodon hyne. aræd. hwylc ys. se ðe þe sloh;

65 And manega oðre þing hig him to cwædon dysigende;

66 And þa ða dæg wæs þa togædere comun þæs folces yldran and þara sacerda ealdermenn and boceras and læddon hine to hyra gemote and cwædon; Sege us gifþu sy crist;

67 þa cwæþ he þeah ic eow secge ge me ne gelyfaþ.

68 þeh ic eow ahsige ge ne andswariað me ne ne forlætað;

69 Heonun forð bið mannes sunu sittende on godes mægnes swyþran healfe;

70 þa cwædon hig ealle. eart þu godes sunu; þa cwæð he ge secgað þæt ic eom;

71 And hig cwædon. hwi gyrne we gyt gewitnesse. sylfe we gehyrdon of hys muðe;