Windows XP for Onginnendum/Inlǣdung

Hwæt cann circolwyrde mē for dōn?

Circolwyrde is wundorfull tōl and hē bēteþ wæstmbǣrnesse, gefeormaþ, and gōdaþ gemǣnsumunge.

In weorcstealle cann circolwyrde fremman maniga nytlica nīeda. Ān þāra frumbrūcunga is wordwyrcung. Wordwyrcung is līcettendlic geþryscungwrītere. Hē sparaþ gewiss on circolwyrde and lǣteþ þæt man snellīce ādihteþ gewrit. Hē gegearwaþ þā tōl for rihtwrītunge and grammaticcræftes rihtunge, swā þæt hē getrēowaþ betere gewriten weorc!

Hē gefeormaþ mid þȳ þæt hē hæfþ DVD-rǣderas and sōndrēameras. Hē cann ēac plegan gamen. Tō ēacan canst þu, gif þu gōde bewtuxnettgespannunge, underfōn and scēawian þīne dēoroste TV-myndu on þīnre tīde.